Kids learning to code and artificial intelligence

Diverse STEAM Courses / Artificial Intelligence

Python for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence: Web Application Development

About the course

This course is designed to introduce students to the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its integration with Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) through the development of a web application using Python programming language.

Students will learn how to integrate ChatGPT functionalities in their web applications to provide a personalized user experience.

Learning Objectives

CRUD Operations

Students will learn techniques for handling missing data, outlier detection, and data normalization.

Frontend Development

Students will learn how to use Python frameworks to develop and deploy the frontend of their web application.

ChatGPT Integration

Students will learn how to use ChatGPT API to integrate chatbot functionalities in their web application.

Python Programming Language

Students will learn the basic syntax, data types, and control structures of Python programming language. They will also learn how to use Python libraries and frameworks for web application development.

Software utilized


Enrich education with

Artificial Intelligence Course